13 Tips For A Good Teach
With these tips, your learning unit will be unforgettable!

The structure and implementation of a teach (topic block) should be well thought out in order to achieve an optimal learning result for the participants. It is important to note and meet the following criteria:
Define Goal – Set Teaching Assignment
It is of enormous importance for the motivation of the seminar participants that the trainer makes the learning goal clear. He should ask himself what important content the participants should learn. He should write this down for himself so that he can refer to it if necessary.
Set The Issue Clearly
The individual (partial) topics of a seminar should be well thought out by the trainer. With his previously created trainer guide, he can prepare as best as possible. It is important that he explains the topic clearly and understandably for all seminar participants. He can also have this confirmed again by asking the participants.
Clarify Terms
The trainer should clarify any terms unfamiliar to the participants directly. In this way, he prevents participants from interrupting the teach and possibly throwing him off course. The comprehensibility of the teach thus becomes even clearer.
Introductory Chart/Slide
A prepared chart or slide is a great way to start a new teach. Here the topic of the teach can be presented clearly visible to all participants. A drawing that fits the theme could also be placed there. This introductory chart simplifies the introduction to a new topic and helps the participants to orientate themselves within the seminar.
Carry Out "Cover All Basics" / Build Motivation / Create A Willingness To Participate
After the introduction to the new topic, it is important to activate the participants' motivation and willingness to participate. The trick is to keep the participants motivated. The trainer should consider the "Cover all Basics".
Demonstrate Advantages / Benefits, Describe The Core Idea
- When and what do I use it for?
It is important to explain to the participants when and what to use the theme for. The trainer must make it clear what added value this teach has for the participants.
- What can I connect it to?
The participants will also ask themselves what the topic can be connected with. The aim here is to find out whether the topic can be used professionally or maybe privately in addition.
Tell Reference Story / Give Example
It is advantageous if the trainer can draw on (own) experience reports when carrying out his teaching. This means that the topic becomes more tangible and comprehensible for the participants.
Make Content Interactive / TCI
The teach should be designed to be interactive. This means that the participants should be consciously and dynamically involved in the teach. This can be done beautifully with the help of different games, a direct address to a participant, a short video with debriefing and group work. Theme-centric interaction should always be considered.
Der Teach sollte interaktiv gestaltet werden. Das bedeutet, die Teilnehmer sollten bewusst und dynamisch in den Teach mit eingebunden werden. Dies kann wunderbar mithilfe von verschiedenen Spielen passieren, einer direkten Ansprache eines Teilnehmers, einem kurzen Video mit Nachbesprechung und Gruppenarbeiten. Die Themenzentrierte Interaktion sollte immer beachtet werden.

Document Everything
The course of the teach should be documented by the trainer. In this way, the trainer can access his documentation if necessary. Proof of the teach is also an advantage for the participants. The trainer can create additional handouts from this documentation. The participants also receive all the important information that was worked out together during the seminar.
Incorporate Exercises
Exercises are important for teaching. These help the participants to better memorize what they have learned, as they have to consciously engage with it instead of just listening. Repetition exercises at the end of a teach lead to a better learning effect.
Summarize Topic
Shortly before the end of the block unit, the topic of the teach should be summarized again. This summary can be done, for example, as a repetition exercise by the participants.
Conduct A Debriefing Round
A debriefing round at the end of the teach gives the seminar participants the opportunity to reflect on the learning unit again. This can increase acceptance of the seminar.
Give The Participants A Mandate To Take Action
An action instruction at the end of a teach is also of valuable importance. The trainer should encourage the participants to put what they have learned into practice and use it everyday in life or at work. In order not to quickly forget what you have learned, it is advisable to apply what you have learned in practice more often. The more often what has been learned is put into practice, the greater the learning effect.