On this page you will find information about the publisher of the site. You will also find the contact(s) for the content and technical implementation of the site.
Site Publisher

THB IT Services
Torsten H. Bekemeier
Stau 123
D-26122 Oldenburg
Telephone: +49 441 24920778
VAT ID: DE311296765
Technical Realization
THB IT Services
Torsten H. Bekemeier
Stau 123
26122 Oldenburg
Product Management
THB IT Services
Torsten H. Bekemeier
Stau 123
26122 Oldenburg
Up-To-Dateness, Completeness And Correctness Of Information
The THB IT-Services team makes every reasonable effort to provide correct and complete information on this website. However, the THB IT-Services team assumes no liability or guarantee that the information provided on this website is up-to-date, correct or complete.
References ("Links")
The above information on topicality, completeness and correctness also applies to all connections ("links") to which this website refers directly or indirectly.
The THB IT-Services team is not responsible for the content of pages that are reached with such a link.
Changes And Updates
The THB IT Services team reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.
Gender Note
For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is often avoided within the content provided. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.
The content and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to copyright. The duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.
Insofar as content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. In particular, third-party content is marked as such if this is necessary under licensing law.
Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such content immediately.